Brightic Black Dish©

for solid, liquid and more

We developed a special and unique tool for your spectroscopic measurements that incorporates a low-reflectance background with a mechanical mounting option. This dish is ideal for your soil or liquid samples because it doesn’t interact spectrally and chemically with your materials and safely holds the sample during measurement.

Black Hole Dish

Much time and effort was spent developing this product, carefully selecting and manufacturing the most suitable material that is spectrally tested and certified per your request.


Learning by doing

Our rapid sampling study with green leafs

Using a glass Petri dish and a Brightic Black Dish© on a wooden table

Typically we want to make our measurements fast and reliable with short preparation and operable under any circumstance. To contrast with the Brightic Black Dish©, a transparent glass dish that does not stop background reflection and thus interacts with the set-up materials is used in a comparison test. In a quick test, a green leaf (Ocimum basilicum) was measured in a glass dish and in the Brightic Black Dish©, both placed on a common wooden table. In the glass dish, the leaf and the wooden table interacted spectrally because of the glass dish’s transparency (see Figure 3).

Glass dishes are not developed for diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. To minimize that effect and optimize the diffuse spectroscopic measurement we developed a special dish.

When using a spectrally tested black background like the Brightic Black Dish© you can avoid undesirable artifacts and build high-quality spectral libraries.

Figure 3.
Comparison of black hole dish and glass petri dish
on wooden table

[1] This material has the following characteristics: universal chemical resistance, excellent optical properties, hydro- and oleophobic, weather and UV resistance, thermal stability, excellent non-stick properties, very dense, low hardness. Try to avoid mechanical damage (scratching).